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italian black grapes

Black grapes: top 10 varieties and Italian wines

Black grapes in Italy have perhaps the largest type of variety in the world. The country of the boot presents a great diversity of relief, soil, climate and cultural diversity that favor the expression in each territory.

Knowing the grape and its territory is part of the beginning of any sommelier course, but knowing each characteristic is fundamental to target in which taste we prefer – great to be able to choose the wine with more freedom.

Italian wine takes us to breathtaking places, that’s why I also dedicated an article for wine tourism in Italy, click here.

The grape variety can be divided into three categories – native, international or traditional.

Native or indigenous grapes are red (or white) grapes born and raised in a specific region, and hardly thrives in other lands.

International grapes can be found in any region of the world, can adapt in different terrains and present varied expressions.

Traditional grapes are a bit of both, since they have more than 300 years of cultivation. This is because through the centuries grapes are treated with a method belonging to that region.

The cast of the main grapes and wines – with their main characteristics and Italian regions


It can be Salamino, di Sorbara, Lambrusco Maestri or Lambrusco Marani

Deliciously sparkling, this grape comes from the region of Emilia Romana, and has a delicate taste and often sweet version.  Slightly performa of fresh strawberries and some fresh herbs like rosemary.

Italian black grapes

Raboso Piave

Grape from the Veneto region, more precisely near Piave – Padova province.

I like it precise, intense and dark color coming from the anthocyanins of that grape’s shell. It has acidity and tannins that are prevalent, so rabbia comes from the Italian word “rabbia” – which means nervous.

With a favourable degree of ripeness, it has perfumes such as ripe cherries, pepper, tobacco.

To know one of the vineyard of this grape, Dominio di Bagnoli click here.


Grape from Campania region, is known as Taurasi DOCG. Flower aromas, can evolve perfumes like tobacco, leather. It can be accompanied in blends to balance with other wines, such as Primitivo in Puglia or Montepulciano in Abruzzo.


It has wild nature, and is therefore a versatile grape for various terrains, and comprises territories such as Piedmont, Lombardy – more specific in Oltrepo Pavese and Emilia Romana.

Depending on each terrain, it presents perfumes such as fresh strawberry or even in more severe tones, with the possibility of evolving and adding belly aromas such as chocolate, vanilla.


This grape is autochthonous from the region of Sardinia. A very exuberant wine, as well as its wild native land, has an intense ruby colour and aromas like red fruits, with a floral and herbaceous touch.


This red grape comes from the region of Valpolicella, in Veneto. Its wine, which bears the name of the city where it comes from, can be produced in several categories, such as Valpolicella Ripasso, Amarone, Recioto, Bardolino.

The visual characteristic with a beautiful ruby colour, expresses aromas like red fruits, like cherry, blackberry and its perfume rounding off the taste.


One of the most planted red grapes in Italy. It has its main origin in Abruzzo and is the most important in the Marche region.

Intense ruby colour, varying with purple, has plum flavours, some delicate nuances of herbs and spices.


One of the most important grapes in the region of Piedmont, an indigenous grape much appreciated for its very refined characteristics of evolution. Its variations in wine leave no disappointments: Nebbiolo is the grape that produces the famous Barolo, Barbaresco, Langhe.

It has a high tannin content and acidity, which allows it to sustain aging, with proportionate balance and elegance. Its perfumes when young vary from rose petals, cherries and pink pepper. When evolved it has a touch of velvet, plums.


It would originate in Apuglia, or Puglia, an early grape at harvest and a high concentration of sugar and body. Exuberant wine, deep purple colour and presents perfumes such as cherry, strawberry and plums with a very involving tactile sensation.


It’s a black Grape variety from Tuscany and have astonishing body and perfumes.

A grenache colour for purple, it has a great ageing potential and can present high quality wines such as Chianti, Rosso and Brunello di Montalcino, Vino Nobile de Montepulciano.

Which wines and grapes have you tasted? And how many times have you had doubts about which type and which wine to choose? Send your questions here and we’ll talk!  Salute!


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